Recent hebben wij een 80 cm lang keramiek model van een Diatomee gescand en geprint in 3D met een formaat van 5 cm. De print diende als mal voor het vervaardigen van porseleinen sierraden van deze eencellige alg. Riet Bakker exposeert nog tot 1 december 2019 in de Meise Botanic Garden – Brussel.
rietbakker diatomee keramiek ceramics 3D 3dprinting slaprinting 3dscanning formlabs einscan harlingen
Prof. Dr. Bart Van de Vijver, a researcher at Meise Botanic Garden and the University of Antwerp, is the curator of this exhibition. He brought together 4 artists and 2 photographers around the idea of using diatoms as an art object. He himself delivered some beautiful pictures of diatom valves made with the help of a scanning electron microscope.
The Dutch artist Riet Bakker makes organic abstract ceramics from stoneware clay with a sleek design and a great eye for detail. Her work is inspired by the architectural aspect of shapes from nature and the dynamics of growth and movement of (micro-)organisms. For the exhibition she made a series of diatom ceramics based on photographs by Bart Van de Vijver and others.
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